Pelvic Floor Dysfunction:

When Might Therapy Help?

  • Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction

    Accidental urine loss, urinary urgency, urinary frequency, frequent nighttime urination, feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, painful urination, difficulty starting or stopping a urine stream

    Bowel incontinence, constipation, diarrhea, straining with bowel movements, painful bowel movements, difficulty initiating a bowel movement

    Pelvic organ prolapse (bladder/bowel/uterus)

  • Pelvic Pain

    Genital, perineal, pubic, bladder, tailbone, buttock, low back, or abdominal pain

    Pain with sexual activity

    Pain with prolonged sitting

    Painful urination or painful bowel movements

  • Pregnancy/Post-Partum

    Pelvic girdle pain or alignment issues in pregnancy (sacroiliac joint, pubic symphysis, hip, sciatica), back pain

    Round ligament or other abdominal tissue pain

    Core and pelvic floor weakness

    Bladder/bowel issues

    Movement deficits, push prep

    Scar release for c-section scars and perineal tearing during childbirth

    Diastasis recti

    Safe return to exercise

  • Pre/Post-Surgical

    Pain, incontinence, or neuropathy issues related to cesarean section, hysterectomy, prolapse repair, mastectomy, abdominoplasty, prostatectomy, and other obstetric/urologic/urogynecologic/rectal/abdominal surgery

    “Pre-hab” prior to pelvic or abdominal surgery